Monday, April 18, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII

Title: Final Fantasy XIII
Platforms: Xbox 360, PS3
Soundtrack clip:
ESRB information: T for mild language, suggestive themes, violence

Final Fantasy XIII  looked like a great game to me, graphics and artwork looked great, so did the story, I thought that the soundtrack was a bit uninspired but I thought it looked great, I got this game and returned it the next morning, and why was this?
    Controls. I admired the artwork of the opening cutscene which dragged out a bit and the game told me how to control my character in combat, it said that I had to go to a menu and choose my attacks, I thought that this meant I had to choose what my attacks do when I use them but instead I got a side menu where I pressed one button to leap into action and swing my sword all over the place at a giant robot, I looked up a video review on IGN and it looked like you do eventually get to actually use your joystick to move your character around, but still not in combat. I decided that if I can't have my control in battle then I don't want to play the game.
    But before you make a decision about this game I have to tell you that I talked to the Game Stop staff and they said that 50% of people loved Final Fantasy XIII and the other 50% hated it, I'm with the people who hated it but I can't say I completely hated this game because I didn't consider story or characters, I didn't want to play this game because I didn't like the battle system, you can not make your own decision about this game until you've played it.
    Even if you played and hated this game, still don't completely forget about the developer Square Enix as they have a bunch of other titles and I think that FFXIII was the only game that they really screwed up, and it was only the controls.

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